Sunday, March 11, 2012

documentation of last weeks program

Last week's writing workshop went really well, and gave us some great insight into the future of our program.
The program started off with introductions in the modern wing followed by entrance into the museum. this wasn't incredibly smooth because we had to get them in with our IDs, and that was a bit difficult. Maybe we can think of ways to streamline this process by approaching the museum first or getting the students passes somehow. We can discuss this in class. It seems to be a bad first impression, and we want them to feel comfortable there.
We walked around the museum galleries and took notes and discussed the art with some students. In my experience this was a great part of the program, and something to consider for our program. the conversations were really amazing, and including dialogue in our gallery teaching could be really great.
After the gallery we met in a space to hold the writing workshop. it started with notes and thoughts followed by poetry writing and finally reading. There was a bit of a problem with the space and security, again bad impression on the museums part.
All in all it was a great experience for us and it seemed to be great for the writers as well.
one idea is creating art from the poetry, which could be amazing
art forms that they found interesting: painting and sculpture
if anyone else got any suggestions from the teens please post them here! Also if there were any particular art works that seemed to stick out that would be great as well. And if anyone has pictures since consent forms were taken care of that would be amazing as well!


Heather D'Andrea

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